
September 2018 Cedar Reader: PTC Edition

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Cedar Park Communication in 2018-19

This school year, Cedar Park families will receive two newsletters a month.  The Cedar Reader will come out around the first week of each month and is created by the Cedar Park admins and staff.  The Cedar Reader will include a principal's message, MYP information, district updates, and other pertinent Cedar Park info.

The Cedar Reader: PTC Edition is created by your PTC Board and will be sent every third week of the month.  The Cedar Reader: PTC Edition will focus on and celebrate PTC events, programs, and volunteering opportunities for the upcoming month.

Together, these two newsletters will work collaboratively to provide pertinent, relevant, and exciting info to our Cedar Park community. Our goal is to work together to improve communication and parent awareness of all things Cedar Park.

And so, without further ado....

September Cedar Reader:  PTC Edition

In this month's issue, you will find valuable info regarding the 5K, Staff Appreciation, Book Fair, AVID needs, Cedar Park volunteering opportunities, plus much more program and school news.

Click HERE to explore September's Cedar Reader:  PTC Edition.

September 2018 Cedar Reader

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Check out upcoming news from our first month of school, including: